This week has been a reminder in how much power I hold to hurt people. I look around and see pain everywhere. That’s the result of sin, of living in a fallen world. But it’s also something humans inflict on each other; sometimes unknowingly, and sometimes purposefully and maliciously.
Why do we do this? When we hurt or are angry, we…turn around and hurt others?
As Christians we are called to something better. We all know, “turn the other cheek.” I don’t know about you, but turning the other cheek is not the easiest option. Yet it’s strangely gratifying, when I do lay down my own hurt and let someone else “win”, so to speak.
At the Day of Prayer last Saturday, one of the things that popped into my head as I pondered how people see the body of Christ was that song, “They will Know We are Christians by our Love”. People see Christ in us when we love on people, when we don’t stop so low as revenge and spite.
So love. I suppose that’s fitting, considering the month of February is often focused on candy, flowers and l’ amour. Yet Christian love is so, so, so much more than that. Dig into that. Love the people around you.
They will know we are Christians by our love.